
My name is Allison Murphy.

I am an artist from the Rocky Mountains. Over the last couple of years I have been very lost as to what I wanted to do with my life. Originally my life goals were to become a horse trainer and eventually open my own boarding facility. Ever since I started working with horses back in 2011 some times I would start having horrible allergies while out working in the fields. I thought nothing of it as I was a young and dumb teenager. One thing about allergies is each time you are exposed to an allergen your reaction will get stronger. By 2019 I started going into anaphylactic shock a couple of times a month with seemingly no reason. Come to find out I am extremely allergic to every single type of grass and tree that grows in our area. So in the summer of 2019 I had to make the hard decision to give up working with horses all together.

It took until the end of 2021 for me to accept this fact and finally sell all of my training equipment and saddles. To be honest I have been floundering since then and have only recently rediscovered my passion for digital art. I have a tendency to try out what ever type of art tickles my fancy any given day. Throughout the years digital art keeps calling me back and now I am ready to commit to it. I am ready to learn as much as I can every day and continue to increase my skills every chance that I get.

I am ready to start the next chapter of my life and to figure out how to take care of myself.

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time

Email: allison.spstudios@gmail.com

Text and Phone: (970)430-6909
